Wednesday, February 11, 2009


For those of you who don't know what Cannabis is, I bet Marijuana, Weed, Dope or Gaanja would sound familiar. Cannabis is a naturally occurring, mild hallucinogenic Class B drug. It is not as potent as Crystal Meth or heroine but possibly , i repeat , POSSIBLY more potent than alcohol or tobacco. It is the most widely used drug in the world. The effect of cannabis differs from person to person. 95% of people tend to loose inhibitions, indulge in pointless giggling and develop an appreciation for color and music whereas the other 5% experience paranoia, excessive sweating, vomiting sensations and panic attacks.

For many smoking cannabis is a daily affair even though possession and use of marijuana is illegal in most countries. I personally feel that weed is a much safer drug than alcohol or tobacco. Research has proved that chances of developing bronchitis and lung cancer is lesser in smoking pure cannabis than smoking tobacco. Tobacco induces physical dependency unlike cannabis. Tobacco smokers need a cigarette as soon as the nicotine level in the blood drops but in case of cannabis nothing of the sort happens. The dependency that develops amongst Cannabis users is psychological and comparatively easier to get rid off. Cigarette smoking accounts for over 10 million deaths around the world every year whereas till date no clinical deaths have been reported as a result of direct use of cannabis. All the reported deaths were a result of loosing inhibitions under the influence of cannabis. Heavy usage of alcohol causes liver damage, stomach cancer and heart diseases whereas heavy usage of cannabis causes dependency and memory impairment. People all over the world are fighting for the legalization of weed. Since 1969 every year, cannabis smokers from around the globe meet up at a common place and protest for its legalization. The world wide marijuana march is organized every year on first week of may.

These were all facts and statistics from research on the net. On a personal note i believe smoking up once in a while is way more safer health wise than being a regular smoker or a heavy drinker. Practically getting stoned is way cheaper than getting drunk and it does not leave you with a bad hangover the next morning. Alcohol being a depressant often leaves you in a foul mood whereas smoking up sessions are really fun with all the giggling and the music.

The way things are going its only a matter of few years before marijuana gets legalized worldwide. That would certainly increase the number of hippies walking around but still it will help reduce the combined death toll of alcohol and tobacco. So if you think cannabis should be legalized, log on to or and lend your support.
Happy stoning..


  1. WILD! I knew this was coming! I like the post, and i LOVE the subject! Keep going bro!

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeessssssommmme....

  3. Thanks Neil ... A little late in replying :p
